< Carl F. Gast Company: Management

Carl F. Gast Company

6614 Clayton Rd #301 St Louis MO 63117
Phone: 314-993-2870 FAX: 314-993-0496
email: sales@cfgastco.com
website: www.cfgastco.com

Carl F. Gast Company is a manufacturer's representative for industrial instruments and equipment.
We specialize in measurement of Temperature, Pressure, Level and Flow.

We serve customers in Missouri, Southern Illinois and bordering counties in Kansas, Kentucky and Indiana.
Our products are used by Engineers (Instrument, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Environmental),
Utilities, Manufacturers, Processors of food, petroleum and chemical products.




Technical Areas


Contact Us

Ted Gast

Connect with Ted through LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mrted57
Carl F. Gast
Our Founder

Carl Gast insisted on personal dedication to knowledge, quality, and dependability.
Through the years we have kept pace with the massive industrial change ,welcoming a
younger generation steeped in the knowledge of new technologies. Today, we are working
with our clients toward engineered solutions that will enable them to master challenges in
the 21st century. But the principles Carl Gast adopted in 1935 remain --and we remain
dedicated to them. Looking forward to many more years of prestige and success.